Product Inquiry

Product Inquiry

Inquired product

Vespel®SP-22 (Black)

Inquiry by email

We will get back to you as soon as we confirm the details of your inquiry.
In addition, we may not be able to reply due to a wrong e-mail address from the customer or a system failure.
Please contact us by phone.

Inquiries by e-mail may be delayed, so if you are in a hurry, please contact us by phone.

The mark is a required item.

Your name
Phone Number

Privacy Policy

HAUSERU JAPAN CO., LTD. (hereinafter "HAUSERU JAPAN") has established Website Privacy Policy for the personal information and privacy matters (hereinafter "Personal Information") about visitors to our website. This Website Privacy Statement is based on HAUSERU JAPAN Privacy Policy.

HAUSERU JAPAN recognize the importance of Personal Information and carry out the following actions.

HAUSERU JAPAN establish the rule about the handling of Personal Information and maintain the organization system and will protect Personal Information by appropriate security.
Before or at the time of collecting customer’s Personal Information, we will inform the purposes for which information is being collected and our contact window. HAUSERU JAPAN will use the Personal Information solely with the objective of fulfilling those purposes specified by us and for other compatible purposes, and manage it by an appropriate method, and will not provide it without the consent of the customer to a third party, without special circumstances.
HAUSERU JAPAN will keep the Personal Information of a customer to be accurate, complete, and up-to-date and prevent unauthorized access, loss, damage, manipulation and a leak to the Personal Information.
When HAUSERU JAPAN will consign the handling of Personal Information to the third party, we will obligate such party not to leak nor to offer to others by contract HAUSERU JAPAN will utilize Personal Information consigned to us under strict management and under the contract with provider.
If customer wish to confirm or correct the Personal Information of his own, please contact us. HAUSERU JAPAN will cope with such request immediately as long as such request is adequate and reasonable.
Observe laws and ordinances, a model applied about the personal information that we hold, and the action in each clause mentioned above. And we maintain protection activity and will be improved. HAUSERU JAPAN will comply with laws and rules which apply to handling of Personal Information and will maintain and improve activities aforementioned.

Last Updated: May 2, 2016


Admiral Kioicho Building, 3-28
Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo,
Japan 102-0082

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